Athletic Forms/Policy
Athletic Forms
The Athletic Department is now using Final Forms to help manage the registration process for both BHS and RMS athletes.
Please register at: and follow the prompts to create your account, your student’s account, and sign the forms. Students must also sign in with their gobeesgo email to electronically sign forms. You must choose your sport(s) and electronically sign forms each school year. Please contact the High School Office with any questions, 465-6848.
Athletic Forms
FinalForms Directions
All Students and Parents need to be signed up on FinalForms before a student will be able to practice or play their sport.
Bridgman H.S. Athletic Alternate Transportation Permission Form
To be used when a student-athlete will NOT be riding with the team to an event. Student-athletes desiring to ride home with parents after an event need to sign out with the coach after the event.
Dual-Sport Participation Form
Must be completed by any student-athlete playing two sports in the same season.
Physical Form
To be completed by a doctor prior to participation
Bridgman H.S. Athletic Fee Form/Memo
Information on BHS Athletic Fee
Reed M.S. Athletic Fee Form/Memo
Information on RMS Athletic Fee
Bridgman H.S. Parent/Athlete/Coach Communication Brochure
Guidelines for parent, student and coach communication
Policy/Procedure Documents
Bridgman Public Schools
9964 Gast Road
Bridgman, MI 49106
Phone: 269.465.5432
Fax: 269.466.0221